Almost every major store across the US offers a credit card, and Best Buy is no exception. These credit cards usually come with perks and rewards specific to those stores, this encourages people to shop there more often. Generally, the more you shop at a store, the more benefits you will get from the credit card. So is it worth getting a Best Buy credit card?
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What is the Best Buy Credit Card?
The Best Buy credit card is a card with a line of credit that individuals have to qualify for. It provides them with 20-45 days interest-free, which can be used up to 30 times throughout the course of the year on any best buy purchase. After this time period expires, you are charged interest on whatever you bought until it’s paid off. If you do not pay off your balance during one billing cycle, then you are charged interest on the entire payment amount at the end of each month.
The card can be used anywhere, but when shopping at Best Buy and specific partners, users will receive rewards on their purchases. Aside from the extra rewards, the Best Buy credit card is pretty much a regular credit card.
Is The Best Buy Credit Card Good For Shoppers?
Since Best Buy does not offer any sort of promotions or discounts for using their credit card, it’s not really good for shoppers who are looking to buy the newest iPhone or get discounts on items. You do get 10% back in rewards on your first day, but this isn’t necessarily a discount.
Another downside is that you don’t get free shipping, however, if your purchase is more than $399, then you automatically qualify for free shipping at Best Buy. Some credit cards for major stores will offer sign-up discounts and free shipping on every purchase, so if that’s something that interests you, then the Best Buy credit card won’t be a good choice.
Let’s have a look at the main benefits of the Best Buy credit card…
What are the Benefits of a Best Buy Credit Card?
The main benefit of the Best Buy credit card is the 5% back in rewards on the purchases. Or 6% back if you become an Elite member. Once you are approved for the credit card, you will also get 10% back in rewards on your first day of purchases.
Here’s a quick breakdown of the benefits:
- 6% back in rewards for Elite cardholders.
- 5% back for regular cardholders.
- 3% back on gas purchases.
- 2% back on dining and grocery purchases.
- 1% back on every day purchases.
You also get access to exclusive offers when you sign in to your account after signing up for a credit card. These are generally extra discounts on various sale items and can come in handy if you are looking for something specific.
Is it Worth Getting a Best Buy Credit Card?
It is worth getting a Best Buy credit card if you shop there regularly and will take advantage of the rewards. Although the rewards are small, regular, large purchases can save you hundreds of dollars, but you have to spend a lot to enjoy the higher rewards.
As a tech & electronics retailer, you might find that you don’t need to shop there often. Generally, only people that regularly upgrade their computers/phones and need to purchase appliances will shop regularly. We recommend that you use the Best Buy credit card to purchase a large amount of items on one go.
If the benefits of the Best Buy credit card does not interest you, then it’s probably not worth getting one. The main advantage about using the best buy credit card is the rewards, which can help individuals save up some cash throughout the year (or even in a few months).
Final Savings
So is worth getting a Best Buy credit card? Ultimately, it comes down to you as a shopper. If you think the rewards are generous, and you would shop with the credit card often, it could be worth your time. If you do not shop regularly with a credit card or at Best Buy, it is not worth it.